The Ultimate AI Real Estate Book Published

The Ultimate AI Real Estate Book Published

» Press Releases Edition | By Author | October 1, 2024 4:36 AM ET

Potentially the most career-transforming book you will ever read - "Artificial Intelligence Applications Throughout the Real Estate Industry: Where We Have Been, Where We Are Now, and Where We Are Going"

Is it true that "AI won't replace you, but people using AI will"? This newly released, 500-page book provides a highly comprehensive exploration of the intersection between artificial intelligence (AI) and the many facets of the real estate industry. It examines the evolution of AI technology, current applications in real estate, and the future prospects and trends that lie ahead.

Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google a.k.a. Alphabet, in 2018 first asserted that "AI is one of the most important things humanity is working on. It is more profound than, I dunno, electricity or fire." Worldwide interest in and adoption of AI technologies have been increasing exponentially in recent years, including in the real estate industry.

This book's mission is to provide comprehensive, actionable, career-focused information on the past, present and future of AI in real estate. It is not a technical manual but a practical and informative guidebook on the rapid evolution of AI throughout the real estate industry. The 500-page book covers all sectors of commercial and residential real estate, including appraisal, brokerage, financing, property management, asset and portfolio optimization, governmental regulation, continuing education, and so on.

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Gilbert Castle, Author

All told, the book identifies 52 current AI applications encompassing 1,000 AI products and services offered by 800 companies, complete with contact information for further personal research. Though worldwide in scope, the book focuses on the United States and India, the world's second and fourth largest real estate markets respectively.

The book also provides: a comprehensive chronology of the evolution of AI concepts and technology from the Ancient Greeks to the present; predictions on AI's forthcoming impacts on real estate; a highly detailed cross-index of all the AI products, companies, and the 52 applications; and specific continuing education resources for real estate professionals.

The bottom line is that you can become highly conversant on how AI technologies have evolved, what AI is and is not at present, and where AI in real estate is likely headed. The book will show you how you can utilize AI in your career while also discovering the potentially huge benefits - and threats - AI technology holds for all real estate professionals. This will enable you to competently follow the literature on AI, engage in useful discussions with others interested in the field, and especially zero in on which aspects of AI embody the greatest potential career value for you.

The book has been written and reviewed by real estate professionals with literally decades of experience, for the enlightenment of their industry colleagues. The co-authors are Gilbert Castle and Srikant "Steve" Hemmady. A Technical Advisory Panel in the United States and India also contributed significantly.

"Artificial Intelligence Applications Throughout the Real Estate Industry: Where We Have Been, Where We Are Now, and Where We Are Going" is available at Amazon Kindle websites in the United States and ten other countries worldwide here. The book is available in digital, paperback, and hardcover versions, with prices beginning at $9.99 each.

Media Contact:

Gilbert Castle, Author
Telephone: 415-871-0415

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